Podcast: Wir sind klasse!

The non-for-profit raum4-netzwerk für künstlerische alltagsbewältigung has secured funding for the podcast project Wir sind klasse! thanks to grants from the Fonds Soziokultur and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation as well as the participation of our partner Sprachspiel:
“A podcast about values, strengths and the essential in life
There is a lot of talk about class at the moment. But who is actually talking about it? We hear a lot of academics – but we hear far too little from craftspeople, white- and blue-collar workers. Therefore, instead of talking about each other, we want to talk to each other in this podcast, and we mean talk: about values, beliefs, goals, philosophies of life.
Our parents didn’t study, some of us didn’t either, some of us did. People like to pigeonhole us, calling us ‘working class,’ ‘working-class children,’ ‘upwardly mobile’ or ‘uneducated.’
But we are by no means far from education. We would like to clear up this and some other clichés in this podcast and open our eyes on both sides in an entertaining way. Which values are groundbreaking for us, what has made us strong, and why is a “low” social background often concealed? Together we work out values that are important to us and that have made us strong. We discuss philosophical questions from different perspectives, we want to remove threshold fears and show that people are people. In the best case scenario, we’ll all go to the museum or the stadium together afterwards.”
In the 16 episodes of Wir sind klasse! people talk about their values, their goals and views in connection with social background throughout the year 2023.
Find more and the episodes (all in German!) on the production website.

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