A series of four thematically oriented performance works by Matthias Bernhold and Henning Bochert on the text HYBRIDE ODER ICH WILL KELLY OSBOURNE SEIN by Henning Bochert.
June 2013 through March 2014 at Vierte Welt, Berlin-Kreuzberg.
– Pisum vulgaris, she says.
– We are bastards.
– Hybrids?
– Exactly.
Henning Bochert – Text and performance
Matthias Bernhold – Music and performance
Voices – Julia Brettschneider

Two laboratory workers explore the convenience store of self-perceptin of the characters in Henning Bochert’s text HYBRIDE ODER ICH WILL KELLY OSBOURNE SEIN (HYBRIDS OR I WANT TO BE KELLY OSBOURNE). In savvy Mendelian manner, they analyse factors, regard things never viewed, pry open doors and cast light in dark corners. With analysis and manipulation of acoustic court exhibits, they track the characters’ self-deception.
PERCEPTION is the title of the first of four installatory and performatory work in the HYBRID series. The next date, HYBRIDS II – MEMORY, is planned for September.
Thursday, June 27, 2013, 8 pm

Our two laboratory workers examine the phenomenon of memory with the characters in Henning Bochert’s text HYBRIDE ODER ICH WILL KELLY OSBOURNE SEIN (HYBRIDS OR I WANT TO BE KELLY OSBOURNE).
Memory is a lie. It really was always different. And: memory is always too much. What to do with all these experiences, faces, emotions, dates? A tidy house, a tidy mind. Or else repression repression repression.
MEMORY is the title of the second of four installatory and performatory work in the HYBRID series. The next date, HYBRIDS III – FAMILY, is planned for December.
Thursday, September 26, 2013, 8 pm
A reading battle with music.

In this episode, we explore aspects of family in Henning Bochert’s text Hybride oder Ich will Kelly Osbourne sein.
Parents, parents of parents, children and their children: what happens at the generation change? What is inevitably inherited? What’s to be learned? A few old friends will also drop by.
FAMILY is the title of the third of four installatory and performative pieces in the HYBRIDS series. After a short play and an installatory performance, here follows the musical reading battle. The third Part, KELLY OSBOURNE, is scheduled for March 2014.
Friday, December 13, 2013, 8 pm
For HYBRIDS, not only did Matthias develop wonderful new songs and instrumentals, but I also wrote more than 25 new texts around the topics involved: poems, anecdotes, miscellaneous. You can order these latter ones in a booklet (78pp., DIN A6) for €10 (plus 0.90 EUR shipping (within Germany+Austria)). Please write me with the shipping address to the e-mail address at the very bottom of the page.

A raum4 production

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