Article Series on HowlRound

Together with a number of other theater translators, I have contributed to the series Translators on Theatre: In Our Own Words on the US platform HowlRound, which has just begun and will be published until October 3 at this link. Always from, but never just about, the American perspective, theater translators look at their work, the US market, their position in it. My great colleague Amelia Parenteau in the United States skillfully curates the following contributions:
- 25 September, “Why Don’t We Listen to Others? A Case for Theatrical Translation” by Jeremy Tiang
- 26 September, “Troubling the Categories of ‘Adaptation’ and ‘Translation’ in Performance” by Jean Graham-Jones and Caridad Svich
- 30 September, “Exploring Advocacy Strategies to Increase Works in Translation on United States Stages” by Neil Blackadder and Adam Versényi
- 2 October, “Working in Circles from Translator to Kulturmittler” by Henning Bochert
- 3 October, “How to Get Started Translating a Play” by Amanda L. Andrei
Please take a look and share widely!
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