Die allgemeine Verunsicherung

Some translations of well-known works were able to establish themselves in the literary canon of their language. As with originally German texts like Faust or Don Carlos or those by Heinrich Heine, we carry quotes from them in our heads. But do you really know whom you are reading? Do you know whose pen these words by Shakespeare or Chechov or Molière really came from?
Die Allgemeine Verunsicherung, conceived by Yvonne Griesel, aims to shatter these convictions and demonstrate how the translations of well-known texts have change over time, sometimes centuries. We let several translations of the same texts communicate with each other.
You can hear and see Yvonne Griesel, Naemi Schmidt-Lauber, Andreas Rüttenauer, and Henning Bochert read for the next time:
21 Oktober 2023 – 5:30-6:30 Uhr – Frankfurt Book Fair – Übersetzerzentrum (Translators Centre)

Fotos: Myriam Alfano
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