Portrait on Weltlesebühne Blog
The Weltlesebühne continues to work aggressively on its communication strategy, as the business world would likely have it. Video portraits on YouTube, a blog that is perpetually fed, publications, events… The WLB does what it can to raise public attention for these events and find and bind an audience. That includes that we introduce and present our members with their work, their areas and forms of activity that are, more often than not, more diverse than one would assume. Who are these people? What do they do when they are not brooding over foreign-language books, attempting to translate them into German? Or, if they do this, how exactly do they do it? Do they even work in teams? What are their topics?
Presently, an article on the WLB’s blog refers to the video interview that Julian Müller had conducted with me quite a while ago, and today a portrait of myself was published – the first one ever to appear on the blog? Quel honneur ! Great thanks, dear Weltlesebühne.