Leipzig Book Fair 2019

My dates at the book fair:
20/03/2019 8pm Pöge-Haus Hedwigstr. 20 | Henning Bochert will read texts from Eastern European countries: e. g. PARALLEL-PINOCHET by Roman Sikora (translated into German by Barbora Schnelle) Event by Literami and the GWZO |
21/03/2019 7pm Schaubühne Lindenfels | Guest performance EIN STÜCK: TSCHECHIEN 2018 with talks with the playwrights David Drábek and Roman Sikora and book presentation VON MASOCHISTEN UND MAMMA-GUERILLAS (new Czech drama) |
22/03/2019 7pm Moritzbastei | DIE ALLGEMEINE VERUNSICHERUNG Dramatic reading at the translators reception of the Deutschen Übersetzerfonds (German Translators Fund) |
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